Anna Lina Litz

Fraught, Feral, and Familial Neighbours: The More-Than-Human Root System of “Antecâmara”

Part interview, part reflective essay, this text explores the root system of fraught, feral and familial neighbours beneath Luis Lecea Romera’s “Antecâmara”.

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Second Breath – Adventures in the Posthuman Swamp

Inspired by the fascinating anatomy of frogs, Myra-Ida van der Veen’s performance Second Breath transports us to a posthuman swamp. Who’s there?

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About the author

Anna Lina Litz (she/her) is a writer and scholar born by the sea and living by the mountains. With a background in linguistics, environmental humanities, and art research, her writing practice is concerned with more-than-human relations and care, speculative art and fabulation, urban design and ecology, and sometimes baked goods and strawberries. Her creative writing has appeared in Robida magazine. In addition, she regularly publishes articles on the Mediamatic website and is an active contributor to Mediamatic's a/Artist Project, which focuses on neurodivergence in the art world.


Thinking Bodies was conceptualised as an effort to build an exploratory body of knowledge(s), that draws upon the festival’s theme and weaves together perspectives, writing styles and formats. Drawing from the theme of the FIBER Festival 2024 edition, Outer/Body, we invited aspiring and emerging writers from a multiplicity of backgrounds to share their contributions, ranging from essays to interviews to poetries, resulting in a rich archive of knowledge.