This was day 3 of FIBER Festival 2024!

Thank you for joining us yesterday! Yesterday was Day 1 of our context programme at the Brakke Grond, where we got to directly engage with some of our guest artists and explored alternative worlds and states of being. McKenzie Wark stirred us with a thumping performative reading, followed by an inspiring conversation with YoungWoman and moderator Shailoh Phillips to round off the day programme.

If you were at Het Slotervaart to experience Stefanie Egedy’s installation Bodies and Subwoofers (B.A.S.), you are probably still feeling the reverberations of the sub-frequencies. 

Later, back at the Brakke Grond, Nexcyia’s disquieting sonic palate disrupted the border between reality and illusion, while LOREM’s hallucinatory A/V performance pulled us, in their own words, into their limitless sprawling web. 

We’re revving up for another packed day. Find us at the Brakke Grond for round 2 of our context programme, where we began our day with a guided morning meditation by Lou Drago. Over the next hours, we will uncover new pathways towards embodied resistance, communal healing, and transformative futures. 

Today and tomorrow are the final days of the Outer/Body exhibition at Door Open Space—so don’t sleep on it! This evening, a special performance will be taking place; inspired by Queer experiences of morphing, adapting, and opening oneself, artist Bjarte Wildeman will present the piece tens:ding as part of the evening exhibition session, taking place from 20:30 till 00:00. Entrance is possible with an exhibition ticket. 

We’ll close off the night at Garage Noord, where a stellar lineup will take us into a mind-expanding, body-bending journey until the early hours of the morning. 

📸 Léa Shamaa & Pieter Kers



One more day left of FIBER Festival 2024!!


Two days down, three more to go!