Festival Exhibition: Outer/Body

Door Open Space

Can be visited till 2nd of June.

What are the boundaries between bodies and the outside world? Are these hard separated entities as we in the West see ourselves, or are they in reality much more porous and interconnected with the outside world? What ecological systems weave together bodies, both human and non-human, and what technological developments create divisions between inside and outside, the comprehensible and ungraspable?

The exhibition Outer/Body - open for one long weekend at Door Open Space - presents seven artworks by multidisciplinary artists who give their own perspective on a wide range of questions related to the interaction between bodies and their environment. Operating between art, media, science and software development, the artists reflect on social, ecological and technological themes by creating sensory compositions.

Visitors are invited to understand their environment in alternative ways, through the unconventional use of medical equipment to get a different sense of inner and outer bodily dimensions. Discover how technological innovations interact with human perception and augment senses, while at the same time using technology to determine which bodies are excluded and which are not. Learn how the hard boundaries between inside and outside do not hold up in an ecological reality.

30 MAY - 2 JUNE | Door Open Space

TT Vasumweg 31, Amsterdam

Opening times:

Friday: 10:00 – 22:30
Saturday 10:00  – 01:00
Sunday: 10:00  – 17:00

Free entry with Stadspas (Groene stip)
Buy a single event ticket below, or at the location.


  • The Sentinel Self (2022 – present), Sissel Marie Tonn

    Thu May 30 – Sun June 2, Door Open Space

    The Sentinel Self is an interactive artwork, built with a game engine, that reflects on the relationship between human immune systems and environments increasingly polluted by microplastics. The work invites you to explore an ongoing simulation of a vast aquatic, body-like ecosystem.

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  • Phantom Limb (2022), Amos Peled

    Thu May 30 – Sun June 2, Door Open Space

    Is it possible to interact with the inside of our body? Using our organs as an artistic medium or even as collaborating entities? The installation ‘Phantom Limb’ investigates the enigmatic and poetic relationship between a human being and the black box that is their interior, through the use of a medical ultrasound machine.

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  • POLYNODE VII (2024), Lumus Instruments

    Thu May 30 – June 2, Door Open Space

    The interconnectedness between our bodies, minds and advanced digital systems is constantly evolving and producing new realities that we as humans do not have full access to. With the POLYNODE series, Lumus Instruments makes these systems experienceable and plays with how we interact with the behaviour they exhibit.

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  • Niranthea (2023), Marco Donnarumma

    Thu May 30 – Sun June 2, Door Open Space

    Niranthea is a hybrid short film combining documentary, audiovisual synaesthesia, and AI hearing algorithms to address notions of deafhood, prosthesis and cyborg. The film poetically reflects on unlearning normative conceptions of sound and body technology. It does so directly through the unscripted ideas, thoughts and experiences of a group of six d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing people.

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  • OUR VALUES (2019), Dani Ploeger

    Thu May 30 – Sun June 2, Door Open Space

    To keep unwanted bodies outside defined boundaries, violent borders are created. These are maintained and sanitised through ethical and clean narratives that obscure any unethical position or responsibility. The latest razor wire reinforcing the European Union’s external borders – to keep out refugees – is produced in Malaga by European Security Fencing (ESF).
    In OUR VALUES, ESF wire is attached vertically to a metal stand with a horn loudspeaker, similar to those installed on the Hungarian-Serbian border fence. Through the loudspeaker, the voice of Google Translate monotonously speaks out the ESF corporate values listed on the website.

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  • The NeuroRight Arcades (2022), Roel Heremans

    Thu May 30 – Sun June 2, Door Open Space

    In the future, neuro-wearables and brain-computer-interfaces (BCIs) will create a host of new and interesting possibilities, obtaining direct information from our brains and influencing our thoughts and feelings. But what happens when companies or governments use these technologies for purposes we do not necessarily agree with? With the NeuroRight Arcades, Roel Heremans wants to make these NeuroRights more tangible and help you understand how intrinsically important they are.

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  • PetrifiCāre (2024), Hedwich Rooks

    Thu May 30 – Sun June 2, Door Open Space

    Coal is formed from innumerable dead plant bodies and comes into existence underground over a period of millions of years. From the 18th century, coal was extracted and used as a fossil fuel in new industries in Europe. Today, coal is still the major driver of today's industrial, chemical and digital world. Simultaneously, the burning of coal has created a planetary emergency, endangering all bodies on Earth. Artist Hedwich Rooks is fascinated by the supernatural and embodied power of coal, During a residency at in Zeche Zollverein, one of the world's largest (now decommissioned) historic coal mines, she explored the ecological, chemical, and social dimensions of coal.

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  • Lumus Instruments presents POLYNODE VII (2024)

    EXHIBITION: Door Open Space
    Thu May 30 – June 2

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  • Sissel Marie Tonn presents The Sentinel Self (2022 – present)

    EXHIBITION Door Open Space
    May 30 – June 2

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  • Amos Peled presents Phantom Limb (2022)

    EXHIBITION: Door Open Space
    Thu May 30 – Sun June 2

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  • Marco Donnarumma presents Niranthea (2023)

    EXHIBITION: Door Open Space
    Thu May 30 – June 2

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  • Roel Heremans presents The NeuroRight Arcades (2022)

    May 30 – June 2

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  • Hedwich Rooks presents PetrifiCāre (2024)

    May 30 – June 2

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  • Dani Ploeger presents OUR VALUES (2019)

    EXHIBITION: Door Open Space
    May 30 – June 2

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