POLYNODE VII (2024), Lumus Instruments

EXHIBITION: Door Open Space
Thu May 30 – Sun June 2

The interconnectedness between our bodies, minds and advanced digital systems is constantly evolving and producing new realities that we as humans do not have full access to. We exist within a complex superstructure of interconnected systems, most of which are  beyond the limits of our perception.

With the POLYNODE series, Lumus Instruments makes these systems experienceable and plays with how we interact with the behaviour they exhibit. These large technological bodies use virtual nodes within an audiovisual sequence that express themselves through light and sound. Starting from simple patterns and a single computational network, the behaviour grows into more complex ones that put us into a state of flow while observation. Here there is a constant tension between what we perceive and what is not visible and audible. Probing the outer limits of our human sensory dimensions; what we can sensorially capture and cognitively process.

About the artist

Lumus Instruments is a multidisciplinary studio that merges light, sound and architecture. The studio explores the physicality of refined digital systems and investigates how these systems affect our state of being. As makers of audiovisual instruments, which become precision tools for playing with, they can guide, transform and twist the human experience. In doing so, Lumus Instruments artificially craft experiences that give rise to a sense of timelessness and radical realism, inviting people to experience variations of (dis)embodied states.



by Guillaume Versteeg at Uncloud

by Leon Van Engelen

by Martijn Kuyvenhoven