Phantom Limb (2023), Amos Peled

EXHIBITION: Door Open Space
Thu May 30 – Sun June 2

Is it possible to interact with the inside of our body? Using our organs as an artistic medium or even as collaborating entities? The installation ‘Phantom Limb’ investigates the enigmatic and poetic relationship between a human being and the black box that is their interior, through the use of a medical ultrasound machine.

Peled works with the hierarchical relationship between inside and outside, pain as a poetic message and the lack of internal symmetry to tell a compelling story. Recalling personal memories of spending time in the seeming stillness of healthcare centres, the artist places these experiences in a mediated imaginary space of internal images and sounds of the body.

Through audio-visual manipulations Peled transforms the machine into an instrument that illuminates the inside of the body, expanding the space of the artistic act into the organs, under the skin.

About the artist

Amos Peled is a multidisciplinary artist focusing on experimental music and technologies, audio-visual installations, video art, and performance art. His latest series of works focuses  on medical technology and the human body as an artistic medium. Peled’s interest in the theme of medical technology stems from his experience growing up in a hospital environment, where he observed first-hand the working processes of the medical system.

Phantom Limb was commissioned by iii in collaboration with Rewire, Amare and Tetem.