Nikolai von Moltke

Agency (Every)wHERE?

“Agency, (every)wHERE?” is a reflection on the works of Amos Peled, presented and performed at FIBER Festival 2024, as well as the illuminating interview they conducted with him. Grounded in a critique of the cartesian and vitruvian assumptions upon which modern science is founded, the text is an invitation to question the ways in which we use and develop technologies to pacify the ‘objects’ we seek to understand.

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About the author

Nikolai von Moltke (they/them) is a researcher and writer with a background in biosemiotics and queer theory. Coupled with their passion for poetry, Nikolai employs sociological modes of critical thought to form poetic logics in the blurred boundaries between entangled disciplines. Since graduating in 2023, they have worked as a research assistant for environmental philosopher Dr. YH Hendlin on a range of topics, spanning from the pharmakon of tobacco to the limits of the automobile city. This work instilled in them the desire to transmit warm data, to situate the reader in an affective atmosphere, resisting the scientific tendency to generate bare boned series’ of chronologic thoughts.


Thinking Bodies was conceptualised as an effort to build an exploratory body of knowledge(s), that draws upon the festival’s theme and weaves together perspectives, writing styles and formats. Drawing from the theme of the FIBER Festival 2024 edition, Outer/Body, we invited aspiring and emerging writers from a multiplicity of backgrounds to share their contributions, ranging from essays to interviews to poetries, resulting in a rich archive of knowledge.