Bjarte Wildeman (performance)

Sat 1 June | Door Open Space

Connected through a mechanical structure, two performers find each other, sensing the other's body and movement in a state of distanced intimacy. The performers continuously attempt to find a balance between themselves, surrendering to themselves and the other, leaning on and trusting in each other. They save, move and hold one another, but at what cost for themselves? The performance explores what attachment means: the fear of control, leaning into/onto each other and trust, in a struggle of intimacy. 

Inspired by Queer experiences of morphing, adapting and opening yourself, the performance exists as a moving installation which suspends two performers. By moving together, not alone, they continuously transform the installation’s shape, yet each changing form also manipulates the individuals, their body, movements and their relationship between power and care.

About the artist
Bjarte Wildeman creates performances and unconventional choreographies with the mechanisms found in, and defining the body. He explores through which the body relates to the surroundings. Wildeman builds and uses choreographic and kinetic apparatuses to highlight and enable these movements. He is intrigued by bodily motion, physical experiences, altering these experiences and biohacking, and researches (mostly) through performance-installations.

This performance is part of the evening exhibition session at Door Open Space. Entrance is possible with an exhibition ticket. The evening programme is from 20:30 till 0:00.