Kévin Bray (Talk)

Fri May 31 | de Brakke Grond

Through his practice, Kévin Bray expands on the concept of new literacies, treating mass media, popular culture, and digital media as new types of texts that are capable of being read alongside and in combination with more standardised techniques of communication, creating a more comprehensive reading and reflection of our current human existence. Interested by the potential and dangers of messages, misrepresentation and manipulation, Bray seeks to consistently expose the "backend" construction of his messages and images in order to reveal the participatory nature of the viewer in the act of constructing views of reality.

About the artist

Kévin Bray is a French artist generalist, currently based in Amsterdam after having graduated from Sandberg Instituut and the Rijks Akademie. His practice is characteristically oriented towards critical explorations of Media Literacy. Engaging with different types of communication strategies, Bray pursues ways of breaking and combining narratives, as well as techniques of our past and present, in the aim of debunking realities of our fictions. Within his work, Bray blends and conceptualises all of the parameters of these expressions to build up symbolic narratives that comment on our diverse existences and the multiple appearances they embody.



Work by Kevin Bray, presented at Art Brussels