Amir Vudka (Talk)

Fri 31 May | de Brakke Grond

Is there an influence of psychedelic practices on music, visual culture, and technological developments around natural and synthetic intelligence? Dr. Amir Vudka will take us on a journey to explore the crossover between psychedelic research and media studies. In his talk, he will explore what drugs can reveal about our engagement with different media by questioning their narcotic and cyberdelic dimensions. From there, he will move into the aesthetic realm, focusing on psychedelic film and altered states of cinema. 

About the speaker

Dr. Amir Vudka is an assistant professor and researcher working across disciplines, bringing together media and cultural studies, film theory, philosophy, as well as the exploration of psychedelics and drugs. Next to his academic pursuits, Amir works as a film programmer, and art curator and is the artistic director of the Sounds of Silence Festival and the Altered States Festival.

Some of Amir’s recent publications include “Technology and Addiction: What Drugs Can Teach Us About Digital Media" (Transcultural Psychiatry 2022), and "Cooking the Cosmic Soup: Vincent Moon's Altered States of Live Cinema" (Deleuze and Guattari Studies 2023).

This artist is part of the session “Psychedelic Futures – Revisiting the Intersection of Culture & Psychedelics”.

Date: 31 May 2024
Time: 15:30 - 16:15

Location: de Brakke Grond